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Fighting in Hockey:

Fighting in hockey has been around since the dawn of the game. But recently since there have been many concussions in football and hockey it has became a national health issue. I personally love seeing a fight because it’s the only team sport you can fight someone without getting ejected or fined. When there is a fight in baseball, basketball or football it’s just fake “hold me back” kind of stuff. It makes the game more exciting and it’s the best feeling when the player on your team wins, knocking out the opposing team’s player. 

The highlight of going to AHL games is they let fights happen all the time and don’t usually break it up as quickly like they do in the NHL. They even fight when the game is over. Most hockey fans I talked to enjoy the fighting aspect of hockey, all but one said it should remain in the game.

“I think there should be, because it’s part of the game and there are more dangerous aspects of the game, like checks to the head and fighters know what they’re doing,” said Andrew Fair, a Columbia College graduate.

As someone who was considered a smaller hockey player and hated get beat up by the bigger guys since they thought they could get away with it, it was comforting when my teammates would push them for me and fight.  And when they won, it was great.

“Yes, because it keeps people in line. The guys like Ovechkin Can’t just push people around and get away with it,” said hockey fan, Joe Nottoli. “There are unwritten rules in hockey that can’t be regulated by officials, so there are enforcers on the ice to keep players in line.”