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What is a news story?

A news story can be about any topic and it can also be breaking news or developing news. It can be about politics, entertainment, world problems, music, video games, comic books, about other news stations or an individual reporter, or about sports. It can be covered by any channel or website because that’s what news stations do, they cover the news.

            A sports story is strictly about sports. It can be about the game played, the current season, current offseason, the team, the owner, the commissioner, the player, officiating, and anything that is a sport or a sporting event. A sports story can be a news story because sports can be the news like how the weather or gossip is the news.  Now there is a difference between local and global sports or news story. The Cubs renovating Wrigley Field is both a sports story because it’s about the Cubs but also a news story, and it is a local news story since only the people who care live in Chicago and root for the Cubs. Sammy Sosa corking a bat was a national news story about sports. It was an athlete who was cheating which becomes a news story the whole country talked about and not just the city of Chicago or sports stations.

            The Jackie Robison Little League Team “cheated” which made it a news story because the world wants to talk about cheating in the sports world. The team caught all the hearts of America for winning the whole USA bracket and we all knew who they were. When hearing that they made it, it was discussed all over to see if anyone else has done something like this before.  Sport stories become news story when there is controversy or important issues like the domestic abuse, child abuse, with even more cheating in sports happening this season in the NFL.

OJ Simpson, Barry Bonds, Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods are not just athletes that we talk about in the sports world. They all were a part of things that became bigger then themselves or just being a story about an athlete. The whole country was glued to their seats wanting know if Barry Bonds would break both the single season and all time record for most home runs even if people weren’t sports fans. It would be talked about on all the news stations because sports and controversy go hand in hand to make a news story in the country. No one in the world cares who won the game or who was traded; it has to be bigger than the sport itself. The whole world watched as the cops chased OJ’s Bronco and we all watched his trials. It was the same with Kobe’s alleged rape accusations and as well as Tiger with his mistresses. Even SNL had a skit about Tiger and his wife.

For me when sports controversies or huge sports stories turn into SNL skits you know even the average person knows or cares. They even did a Tim Tebow skit and the dude was terrible.

 So in conclusion a sports story can be a news story if it’s big enough, has controversy and is something everyone would know or care about.