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Salary Cap:

Pro athletes shouldn’t have a salary cap. There isn’t a salary cap in Major League baseball. The contracts are also guaranteed. That if you go over the exceed amount you have to pay a luxury tax and only the rich owners and teams with all the money have to deal with the rest of teams may not have as much money but they can spend as much as they can without worrying.

It makes the game more competitive when you say to all the teams spend as much as you want to compete with the others.  If you put a limit on it teams can’t be as competitive as can be. All the sports leagues should adopt what MLB has. There are so many teams that don’t spend a lot in the NBA/NHL/NFL because they have a salary cap. They should combine what the National Football League and Major League Baseball does. No salary in professional sports with the luxury tax if you over spend and not make the contracts guaranteed or all the money guaranteed.

There should not be a salary cap in professional sports.