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Rock Music:

Rock music has evolved so much since it has first started off in the mid 50s. In the year 2012 there is Rock but it has become so mainstream and diverse since it first began. There were so many types of Rock music back then they even called it Pop when it was first starting off. Through every decade America seemed to gradually accept Rock ‘N Roll even more.

            In the 1950’s when Rock music was just beginning it was foreign and new. The world didn’t know what to expect. When Elvis was on TV they had to censor it because what he was doing was so risqué and people didn’t like the music because it was loud. They all thought it was the devil’s music. They also censored Chuck Berry’s dance moves. Most talk show hosts didn’t want anything to do with Rock music then. It wasn’t until the ratings were in for Elvis that Ed Sullivan and other shows would want to have them on their shows. When they realized Elvis was good hearted it opened the door for other Rock groups to be on.

            In the 60’s Rock music was gaining acceptance but it was the clean cut look. All the groups had uniforms and looked like goodie two shoes. If you saw the Beatles and the other groups they were in uniforms or wearing nice clothes. People did not accept the long hair of the groups. They thought all people with long hair were delinquents and bad people. They also weren’t ok with swearing and certain lyrics that sounded like they meant something bad like the Door’s song Light my Fire, “Girl we couldn’t get much higher”. There were times that the Rolling Stones were censored by changing the words in the songs or lowering the volume or having audio delay feedback. But the Monkees changed the perception of guys with long hair because they were harmless and goofy. With the Beatles they changed so rapidly during the 60’s. Their first look was clean cut and organized and their music was so simple like “She Loves You” and “I Want to Hold Your Hand”.

Their music changed so quickly to songs about what was going on in the world having a deeper meaning such as tracks from their albums ‘Rubber Soul’ or ‘Sgt. Peppers’. Also, the ways the Beatles appeared with much longer hair and beards. There was this boom of artists in Rock coming out after the Beatles, with all of these TV shows that showcased Rock groups like the Beat, Shindig, American Bandstand, to go along with the Ed Sullivan show, and all the cartoon shows,  as it was a way for businessmen to make money from Rock music.

Towards the end of 60’s drugs started influencing the music and everyone’s life style as it dripped into the start of the 70’s with Woodstock.  After Elvis’ coming back special and the breaking up of the Beatles along with other Rock artists who were now gone, people weren’t sure where Rock music was headed.  It eventually turned into mainstream music with all the groups in the 70’s like the Who, Led Zeppelin, Jefferson Airplane, and Pink Floyd, etc. It was also when people were more accepting of African Americans with more artists from that race being the mainstream music and in Rock. Hendrix and Joplin started it off in the late 60’s where we would see blacks and women in music, and it opened the doors for others.  

Throughout the 70’s it was so drug filled that it was the culture that became the norm. By the time it was the 80’s rock was very accepted and that began the birth of all the subgenres of rock like Punk, Alternative,  and Progressive, with U2, Nirvana, and Red Hot Chili Peppers leading the way in the 80’s. The concepts in songs in the 80’s were the norm even if they were considered inappropriate because the culture was ok with it and it was far from the 50’s when they thought that it was the devil’s music. We all should be glad that we live in a time where Rock music is accepted in oh so many forms because frankly rock music is the best kind of music out there and it helped start other genres.