football, ball, soccer

First time feeling Successful:

The first time I felt successful and achieved a goal that I can remember was senior year of high school.  I made a goal to be a on a sports team in my high school for a full year and get to put that jersey on and feel that honor of being a Viking. I went out for the JV soccer team and it started with workouts in the summer sometimes two a days. Then before the school year there were tryouts and it worked my butt because I was out of shape and never really played soccer but eventually I made the soccer team to start the year.  

When I got the chance to put on that jersey for the 1st time it was one of the greatest feelings ever. That pride and honor when I put on the jersey wasn’t just about me being a part of a team or achieving my goal it was for me to wear it proudly and represent my school well. I didn’t get the number I wanted to because I wasn’t on varsity and they had preference then it went by grade for the whole soccer program.  I did get number 44 double of my number. The season was very fun even though we never did win a game and had a few ties and there weren’t playoffs for us. I didn’t score a goal but had one shot on goal. That moment and season of moments that I experience I will never forget and it will always stay with me because I later was on varsity baseball in the spring. That was another fun, exciting, and successful. I feel more confident in what I want to do after achieving this goal I had. It has built me a platform on where to turn for future goals and achievements I want to obtain.

Success means alot to me. It is something you can base your self-worth on and see if you’ve done anything in your life. If you haven’t had any success you really haven’t done anything in your life basically wasting life, watching it go by. It is something others can base you on favorably or not. Personally I want to grow more and more each year like every year accomplish something like moving on to each grade. I want to grow physically also but I know I’m stuck with the genes I have so I will never be tall. I want to grow personally like get more mature and act more like my age then my shoe size. Success can be graduating every level of school to get to your career goals getting your degree.

Artistically the success I want to have is to have an album out of my music.  I have written many unproduced song or songs without music that I want to get out there and have something I’m proud of and something I can take of my list of goals to achieve. Professionally my goals are, is to graduate first with my degree. Then try for my dream gig on ESPN, in many facets. Then after that I want to dabble in being a general manager of team and or the commissioner of the professional sports league.