Journey to Your Heart

Journey to Your Heart

Chorus: I’m on a journey to your heart girl no matter what it takes I will get there for you. To get to your heart I would walk through snow, sleet, the bitter cold, the pouring rain, the blazing heat or all of them together. Girl I see the finish line up ahead but every time I get close I get sent to back square one. Tell me what I gotta do, tell me what I gotta say, the road to take, what I can do to get to your heart girl.

Verse 1: Girl I would the ends of earth to get your heart. I would walk a thousand miles to get there. Girl I love you I really want to get your heart so we can be together. No matter what weather or time I will try to get there.
Verse 2: Girl I’m usually bad on when to reach out when I’m on that road either I sprint it or take it slow and in the end it never works. Girl please give me a sign on this road to help me understand when I should because I love you too much and I don’t want to mess things up.

Chorus: I’m on a journey to your heart girl no matter what it takes I will get there for you. To get to your heart I would walk through snow, sleet, the bitter cold, the pouring rain, the blazing heat or all of them together. Girl I see the finish line up ahead but every time I get close I get sent to back square one. Tell me what I gotta do, tell me what I gotta say, the road to take, what I can do to get to your heart girl.

Verse 3: Girl you’re the 1st price but I don’t know if I should race for you and rush things to early. Because I want you but I don’t know the best way on this journey to your heart. I don’t know what to do without girl I need you or I couldn’t live without you girl.

Chorus: I’m on a journey to your heart girl no matter what it takes I will get there for you. To get to your heart I would walk through snow, sleet, the bitter cold, the pouring rain, the blazing heat or all of them together. Girl I see the finish line up ahead but every time I get close I get sent to back square one. Tell me what I gotta do, tell me what I gotta say, the road to take, what I can do to get to your heart girl.

Verse 4: Anything you need girl I will go to get to the finish line, your heart. I will even fight off any guys whose mean or a jerk to you even if it means me dying from it because I will do anything to get your heart.
Chorus: I’m on a journey to your heart girl no matter what it takes I will get there for you. To get to your heart I would walk through snow, sleet, the bitter cold, the pouring rain, the blazing heat or all of them together. Girl I see the finish line up ahead but every time I get close I get sent to back square one. Tell me what I gotta do, tell me what I gotta say, the road to take, what I can do to get to your heart girl.

Verse 5: I hope you now know that I will do whatever it takes to get your heart girl. I hope my journey to your heart ends with love. Cuz, girl I love you so much girl it’s not even funny. I don’t care what your “friends” say about me or us cuz I all I see at the end this journey to your heart is you and I together.

Chorus: I’m on a journey to your heart girl no matter what it takes I will get there for you. To get to your heart I would walk through snow, sleet, the bitter cold, the pouring rain, the blazing heat or all of them together. Girl I see the finish line up ahead but every time I get close I get sent to back square one. Tell me what I gotta do, tell me what I gotta say, the road to take, what I can do to get to your heart girl.

Coda: I know you already know this but baby your heaven and my angel my everything. I love you so much I will be the best boyfriend ever girl anything to please you girl because that’s all that matters.

Chorus: I’m on a journey to your heart girl no matter what it takes I will get there for you. To get to your heart I would walk through snow, sleet, the bitter cold, the pouring rain, the blazing heat or all of them together. Girl I see the finish line up ahead but every time I get close I get sent to back square one. Tell me what I gotta do, tell me what I gotta say, the road to take, what I can do to get to your heart girl. (repeat till end 2X)